I want to focus on the reality of an important part of our
Salvation--being adopted in Christ--and what it really means to be
called children of God.
Not all human beings are granted this
privilege, though you hear it tossed around quite frequently by
All of mankind is His beloved creation, nurtured under
grace; however, only those people who receive by faith the finished work
of Christ are adopted by God and legally--in terms of
inheritance--called His children.
"How blessed is God! And
what a blessing He is! He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and
takes us to the high places of blessing in Him. Long before he laid down earth's foundations, He had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by his love.
long ago He decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ.
(What pleasure He took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the
celebration of His lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son."
(Ephesians 1:4-6 Message Bible)
Imagine standing in a
courtroom, ready to hear the verdict against you. This is unlike any
other court: it is the court of the Most High God. His decisions are final. There is no appeal.
You never contested your guilt. In fact, you eventually turned yourself in, unable to live under the escalating torment.
prosecutor is alarmingly accurate in profiling you. He gleefully points
a finger in your direction. With embarrassing, relentless evidence, the
accuser demands the death penalty. His twisted eloquence surely
has everyone convinced there's no hope for you. Remarkably, your defense
attorney makes no effort to counteract the claims of the devil. Well,
you are guilty. Yet, you expect him to mount some arguments in your
The verdict rings throughout the courtroom. "Guilty as charged!"
your attorney stands before the judge and asks that the sentence that's
about to be imposed upon you be transferred to him instead. What? Is he
playing a cruel joke? Why would someone do such a thing for a stranger?
are so astonished that you stagger and reach for the table to steady
yourself just as the judge drops His gavel and says, "Done!" You watch
horrified as they handcuff your advocate and take him away to be
executed in your place.
He looks back with piercing eyes that
slice through every pretense you've ever had. No one has ever been able
to look that deeply, that truthfully into you before. Yet strangely, you
feel no condemnation from his gaze.
"Do not fear, "he says, "I make all things new."
Your heart is breaking. A muffled cry escapes your lips. "Please...wait!"
Your savior, your substitute never looks back. The door slams behind him, then locks...sending a dreadful echo through the room. There's an uneasy silence. Enveloped in a confusing swirl of emotions, you turn to face the bench.
The judge
speaks. "This decree was settled before the foundation of the world.
Your debt, as far as I'm concerned, is paid. You and this court are at
peace. You are free to go."
God could have ended the matter right there.
In the Salvation process, this astonishing legal declaration of "not guilty" is called Justification. The Judge of the Universe declares you cleared of all charges. But how, if you're still clearly guilty?
can't go against His own principles or He'd be unjust. Therefore, His
Son Jesus willingly took the sins that estranged you from your Creator
and paid for them with His own life. But that's not all. He also left
you something wonderful in its place so you wouldn't stand empty before
God--the benefits of His having lived a pleasing life on earth before
His Heavenly Father.
"...being justified FREELY by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus." (Romans 3:24 KJV)
we see that the obedience of Jesus in life AND death secured justice,
AND restored the possibility of a relationship with God for all
humanity. All of this...and you never really knew Him!
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8 NIV)
Now, back to the courtroom.
Trembling, you gasp. "How could you allow that?"
The judge was straightforward. "He was insistent. He wouldn't have it any other way."
"But...but he doesn't even know me!"
The judge steps down from the bench. "Yes, yes he does. And he loves you...always have."
"Loves me?"
before you were born, dear."
The judge comes over and puts his arm
around you. "By the way," he asks, "do you have anywhere to go?"
fumbling for words as he continues. "Out there, you'll wander like an
orphan. You're pardoned, but now you need a home--a family. I've
arranged for you to come live in my house...that is, if you want to."
Your head is spinning in disbelief. "Wha...Why would you do all this for me?"
a warm smile, the judge whispers. "The man who took your place was my
only son. I, too, have known and loved you before you were born. I want
you to join our family. Through My son's sacrifice, you can receive a
fresh start in life with a new name, identity, and a secure home."
But what about your son," you stammer through tears, "your only son?"
The Judge smiles as he walks you out of the courtroom and into the fresh air of a beautiful day.
"Everything will work out for good," he confidently replies.
You ask, "What did your son mean about making all things new?"
"I'll explain along the way," he replies.
It's the beginning of a long and fruitful journey home.
Salvation has several components: Conversion (faith and repentance), then Regeneration (better known as being "born again").
conversion, you surrender to the conviction of the Holy Spirit of your need for Christ. With His
enabling grace, you then make a decision. He awakens faith in
your heart and you are able to believe and turn around (repent).
believe that conversion and regeneration happens simultaneously. Being
born again means that because of your repentance from sin and faith in
Christ, God transfers you out of the Adamic life with its consequences, and into Christ's life and benefits.
"But how many ever received him, he
gave to them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in
his name." (John 1:12-Wycliffe)
But you can't enter the Kingdom (or be "born anew") with the sins of your Adamic nature still on the books;
that is, the sin nature you inherited from him as part of the the human
race, along with your personal acts of sin that followed.
Jesus offers you the gift of His passive obedience (a life lived on
earth without sin and thereby righteous), and His active obedience (His
death) as the payment to settle the accounts and eternally clear the
evidence against you.
Based on what Christ did, God declares you fully justified. It's the Great Exchange!
It's a wonderful feeling to know that you are at peace with God because
of Christ's extraordinary gift, but is that all Salvation means?
many Christians live as if it is...truly thankful for the justification
based on Christ's substitution, but devoid of the intimate relationship
that comes with it. It's like settling a legal dispute with a neighbor,
but never reconciling the previous friendship.
There's another part of the Salvation experience that we don't hear too much about--adoption.
If we did, we would enjoy God and each other a lot more, and be better
able to grow under Father's nurturing as royal siblings.
is becoming by grace what you could not become in your fallen nature--a
son or daughter of God. Justification gives us right legal standing
before God that the devil cannot dispute.
Adoption, however, is
having a personal relationship with God. Yet in this area, the devil has
done a good job at keeping us at arm's length from the Father. He comes
to us with all kind of lies about how bad we are. He
puts our sins smack dab in our face when we try to pray. He even
convinces us that Father God is like our fallen, earthly father. He
baits us with myriads of offenses that keep us injured and unwilling to
forgive one another.
have always believed that the world mirrors the Church, not the other
way around. In other words, if it's happening in the world, look for the
principle behind the behavior to have first run unchecked through the
We have head but not "heart" religionists; kids have
all kinds of sex that does not require face-to-face "I can look you in
the eyes without shame" unions. We are a society that lacks intimacy.
I've heard some post-modernists insist David and Jonathan were gay,
along with such characters as Frodo and Sam in "Lord of the Rings". No
they weren't. We live in a time where such depth of commitment between
two people of the same sex seems strange unless it's also sexual.
want to praise God, but grow restless when the worship gets intense and
the atmosphere changes. God is too near for comfort. We read in the New
Testament of the love and unity within the primitive Church, yet we
struggle to recreate that same reality in our modern churches and
Our Christian marriages, which are supposed to
refract the love, unity and intimacy that exists within the Trinity,
thereby giving the unsaved a small, but tangible example of life within
the Godhead's family, fall so desperately short of that glory. We go as often as unbelievers into divorce courts.
believers live like orphans--wandering from church to church,
relationship to relationship--broken, sad, fearful. They seem
continually offended and stay out of sorts with their brethren over
small matters. They live far beneath their status as God's adopted
was adopted here on earth. An older couple welcomed me into their lives
after the dad of my underage birth mother signed me away.They gave me a
new name, a new identity, and a loving home.
I met my birth
mother twenty-eight years later, and we remain good friends today.
However, I am aware that if I had stayed in her environment, I would not
be a writer today nor would I have entered the broadcasting profession.
don't misunderstand; I'm not belittling my natural mother's situation.
From her genes, I have an inner strength to persevere and survive.
orchestrated my adoption, placing me into the home of a woman who had a
great love for the English language and theater. Early on, she
introduced me to many activities that thrust me in front of the public.
As much as I dreaded piano and dance recitals, God was shaping me for my
calling. In school, I served on the newspaper staff and joined the
journalism and drama clubs.
Being transferred out of Adam and into Christ removes the limitations of the natural man;
living in the Kingdom gives us the right opportunities and cultivation
to fulfill our potential in character and Christian service.
first mother named me April because I was born in that month. My
adoptive mother changed it to Mary Diane. We are all given earthly names
that define something about us, honor someone important in the family
tree, or represent a favorite of the parents--from celebrities, athletes
or creation. (I had friends named "Sky" and "Star".)
On the
other hand, when we finally see our Heavenly Father face to face, the
Bible says each of us will have a new name known only to us...so
perfectly suited because no one knows us like Father God. (Revelation
Not all earthly adoptions in this fallen world have happy endings, but God cannot be anything but a good parent.
bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn't a
cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we're in. If your child asks for
bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare
him with a live snake on his plate?
"As bad as you are, you
wouldn't think of such a thing. You're at least decent to your own
children. So don't you think the God who conceived you in love will be
even better?" (Matthew 7:9-11 Message Bible)
God neither abuses nor abandons His children. He is not unpredictable or moody. He keeps His promises.
that He chose to create you before the foundation of the world.
God--who sees the past, present, and future simultaneously--saw you in
Christ (Ephesians 1:4). He did not favor you based on your earthly
appearance, performance, or value to man--you had yet to be born! You
were just passionately, extravagantly, unconditionally loved.
however, decides there is something about you to love (usually
fleeting), and then chooses to want you. God's love is just the
opposite--He chose you without you doing anything to earn His love.
was placed into the arms of a couple that already loved me. Actually,
they said "yes" over the phone. They were good friends with the doctor
who delivered me. My birth mother's father wanted to take care of the
matter quickly and quietly, so the doctor personally placed the call and
the paperwork followed days later.
Blessed to grow up in an
affirming, affectionate home, I was never made to feel different or
inferior. God won't do that to you, either. He will never bring up your
background and use it against you! There is always a forward-facing seat
around His table.
say you're running late for a much-anticipated family reunion at a
restaurant. You walk in to a hearty reception and discover an empty seat
waiting just for you. You didn't have to call ahead and beg your father
to save you a place; you didn't journey anxiously to the restaurant
wondering if there will really be a seat. You are secure in your
relationship with your Father. Unfeigned love assures you that what was
promised will be done.
"For all who are led by the Spirit of
God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to
fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as
sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!" (Romans 8:14-15 NLT)
The Aramaic word "Abba" is translated best as "Daddy".
Does the thought of this kind of closeness with God seem strange and
uncomfortable to you? Yet, this is the kind of relationship He desires.
a few moments and honestly confront yourself. What has robbed you of
this remarkable closeness with your Heavenly Father? He is eager to heal
and deliver you from whatever keeps Him at a painful distance from all
aspects of your life.
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with
our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then
heirs-heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ...: (Romans 8:16, 17a
A joint-heir doesn't split the inheritance 50/50; it's
shared together as One-without keeping score, without counting. Whatever
Christ has is also fully yours!
"But when the right time
came, God sent his Son who was born of a woman and lived under the law.
God did this so he could buy freedom for those who were under the law
and so we could become his children.
"Since you are God's
children, God sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, and the
Spirit cries out, "Father (Abba)". "So now you are not a slave; you are
God's child, and God will give you the blessing he promised, because you
are his child." (Galatians 4:4-7)
the second grade, our assignment was to learn how to tell time. I just
wasn't grasping the concept. Our teacher informed us that we had a week
to review. By Friday, each student would be required to stand up and
tell time based on where she moved the big and little hands on the teaching clock.
fear gripped me that I just shut down and didn't try to learn. Mom put
me to bed on Thursday night as usual, but I tossed as the thought of the
test loomed over me.
Finally, I crept out of bed and noticed the light still on in daddy's
makeshift office. I heard his old hand-pulled calculator
cranking away as he worked on the bills for his business. I slowly made
my way up the steps and stood there for a long time. Stopping for a
moment, he caught me out of the corner of his eye.
"Doodles, what are you doing up? It's way past your bedtime."
I burst into tears. "Daddy," I cried, "I can't tell time! I can't tell time!"
was already late. Daddy had worked all day as an electrician and still
had a batch of statements on his desk. Nevertheless, he called me over
and swept the paperwork to the side. I guess maybe an hour passed...I'm
not sure (Remember, I couldn't tell). However, when I crawled out of his
lap, I knew how to tell time.
Please continue with Part 2